
debated on using links to differentiate between "short stories" "poetry" and "essays",
but then i'm gonna get bogged down in an attempt to make a hyper-logical system
and well, that just makes things ten times more difficult, doesn't it?

also our fried-ass attention spans
here we go

The Thought

Research on the Thought always suffers from the same fundamental limitation: No one who has had it can describe it.
Each patient recollection is different, yet clearly each of them points toward a single thing.
Out in the world, more people are having the Thought every year and no one knows why.
Is the world changing in some way that inspires the Thought?
Is our way of thinking changing in a way that predisposes us to it? And is there anything we can do to prevent it?

WARNING: Might be triggering to some readers with OCD. Discusses the concept of cognitohazards.

The Detrimentalist

A woman walks into a bar. There is no punchline. Only pain. Only pain. Only pain. Only—#*


A woman walks into a bar. She sits down on a stool, her hair flowing in the warm breeze of the air-conditioning unit.

